Monday, October 19, 2009

Hey everyone this is Jorge: Here are the ones i think are pretty cool enjoy

The San Diego Writers / Editors Guild

is a group of writers and editors dedicated to improving their skills and helping others do the same.

The objectives of the Guild are to:

Promote, support, and encourage writers;
Seek and provide information about publishing and the local writing scene;
Assist with the local writer’s needs for assignments (as well as editors who seek writers);
Endorse workshops and seminars for the benefit of writers;
Promote the writing arts for youth, adults and seniors alike.
Founded in 1979 as a non-profit, the Guild is believed to be the oldest writer organization in the region, and it has more than 100 active members.


Calaca Mission
Calaca Press is a Chicano family-owned small publishing house dedicated to publishing and producing unknown, emerging, and established progressive Chicano and Latino voices. With a commitment to social justice and human rights Calaca Press strives to bring about change through the literary arts. From poetry and the spoken word to fiction and creative non-fiction Calaca Press is determined to showcase authors from a community that has been marginalized and pushed to the side in literary circles, and in the real world, for far too long. Recognizing the need for more publishers of Chicano and Latino literature Calaca Press also actively encourages and assists individuals to self publish and/or start their own presses. Understanding the need for historical continuation Calaca Press is committed to continuing the tradition of the Chicano and Latino presses and publishing houses of the 1960's and 1970's that flourished due to community support and the need to have our stories told. ¡Calacadelante!

Chusma House Publications

has been publishing the works of Chicano and Chicana writers for over a decade. From its inception, Chusma House has decided to eschew commercial and mainstream literature, and instead concentrate on works of worth and significance. We are committed to the publication of high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. Chusma House has also begun to publish select multi-cultural literature.
Chusma House was started in 1990 by Charley Trujillo with his first, groundbreaking narrative, Soldados: Chicanos in Viet Nam. Due to the book's unprecedented success, Charley forewent his college teaching career to devote full attention to publishing and writing.

La Prensa San Diego

It is a local newpaper that publishes articles in differents genres mainl invoking the current events of San Diego. Everynow and then i read this magazine and very interesting stories come up


- these guys are intesting they got some very intense fictional stories

An outgrowth of the Black Ice Books series and literary magazine, Alt-X's Black Ice: Fiction For A Wired Nation section continues to develop an editorial vision firmly rooted in The Rival Tradition. The work showcased here is modeled after the great avant-garde literary writing of past. Alt-X has often been compared to important presses of the print world like The Evergreen Review, City Lights, Olympia Press and New Directions. In response to the Multi-National Corporate Publishing Industry's need to uniformally produce and promote lowest-common denominator info-tainment for a massive, yet passive, audience of book consumers, the editors of Black Ice have been publishing some of the most offensive, sexy, and formally adventurous writing of the last fifteen years, constituting what we believe is a Changing of The Garde.

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