Monday, October 19, 2009

Readings for Tuesday, Oct 27

Next week we'll be focusing on issues of culture, the literary canon and diversity. Here are links to the articles.

Krupat, Arnold. “The Concept of Cannon.” The Voice in the Margin: Native American Literature and the Canon.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.

McLaughlin, Robert L. “Oppositional Aesthetics/Oppositional Ideologies: A Brief Cultural History of Alternative Publishing in the U.S.” (link online)

Bernstein, Charles. “The Value of Sulfur.” Jacket 5 (1998).

Juliana Spahr & Stephanie Young. "Numbers Trouble." Chicago Review 53:2/3 (Autumn 2007).

Note: Thank you to Dr. Philip Heldrich at the University of Washington. Several of these articles were culled from his cour
se: "Editing a Literary Arts Magazine."


  1. Do you mean Thursday OCT 22nd, or Tuesday OCT 20th?

  2. Neither! I meant Tuesday, October 27! Thanks for catching that. I'll fix the heading.
